We are all gamers, we all use the mouse and keyboard or joystick with a more or less efficiency calculated by other gamers and named skill. While we all may seem to "pwn" and "own" in probably the same games but we do it differently. Let`s take an example : I pwn my way, like nothing you`ve ever seen before, a random "spook" player will try to pwn his way, probably copying another emo.
I`m typing this post only because gamers have the one thing few people seem to notice : a gaming style. Sure everyone does what`s expected from his or her class, and a class will most likely have the same skills no matter the player, but it`s the way the player uses them that counts.Lately, the noobish style has reached critical numbers. Don`t get this the wrong way, there`s a damn big difference between noobs and newbies, newbies can be helped, noobs however deserve to feel the ownage on their own skin. Noobs can be found in every single game which involves two or more real players, from shooters to MMOs and even forums. Noobs have taken stupidity to the next level, known for their over powered ability to "whine" just about everything and for the second power called "bragging", if a noob manages to do something right thanks to sheer luck i can bet my sweet emo neighbors depression that at least one gaming community will hear about that noobs luck, as he will most probably call it : skill. A noob is as impressive as he is annoying, impressive is a weak word if i think about it harder, amazing would be more proper because of the massive amount of shit which can come out of a noobs mouth. Without a second thought a noob can send any gamer to the edges of sanity and back only by "whining", he will always have something or someone to blame if he looses, for example : lagging/ the mouse isn`t working/ mom dropped in/ was afk / brain-freeze/ random pc problem/ imaginary girl friend came over for a blow job/ forgot to equip important random item. But if by any chance the noob wins something, it will be something like this : HAHAHAHA / YOU SUCkZ0RZ/ I`M L33t u`r nabz / ALL Y0ur ba53 ar3 b310ng to us/ etc/ etc. Expecting something good from a noob is like expecting a dead cow to give milk, if you ever encounter one just ignore him and hope he`ll go away. As they tend to migrate from game to game the noob problem will most likely never end (unless you`re a good friend with the local gms, but that`s another story).
Sadly, most of the noobs cannot realize that they are noobs, not even if an entire gaming community tells them that, therefore they will never figure out the fact that they suck because of their gaming style and will always blame it on others rather than blaming themselves, thus, never fixing the problem. Here are a few examples of the most common noobs:
-the Counter Strike idiot who will flashbang his comrades in a premature attempt to draw attention upon his "l33tness"
-the same Counter Strike motherfucker who will jump in the way of your bullets to steal your frag, getting his self, and you, killed.
-the random RTS idiot who will start mining YOUR resources because his mines (who produce just as much as yours) aren`t enough.
-the random MMO dickhead who will start masturbating the moment a good looking elf/night elf / dark elf character will join your party and who will lure the party to insanity in an attempt to hitch the gay dumbass with the sexy char.
-the fucking idiot who will nuke your base in order to save it ------ LE FUCK !!!
-the idiot who will ... ahhh forget it ... this list can go on until the heavens divide.
I guess thats enough hate typed down about the noobs and it`s just about time i started thinking emo, emo style to be precise, but still it`s hard for me to put the words idiot and style together .. pardon .. emo and style, i`ll get this over with one way or the other. Unlike noobs who only pretend to know what they are doing the emos have a vague clue about whats going on. For instance: he has the fully loaded shotgun in his hand, the enemy is at point-blank range, but still, the emo cannot comprehend the idea of clicking the mouse button in order to eliminate a potential threat, therefore the emo will farm .... the emo will grow ... the emo will do 30% of what he should do ... the emo will remain an emo only because in the gaming world a nice ANTI IDIOT BARRIER has appeared. This barrier is like air, you can`t see it but it`s there, making emos freeze or to simply fail if they try to do something casual for anyone else. For example in a juicy pvp match in a random mmo the emo will clearly loose thanks to a fucking big number of idiotic excuses like : i couldn`t target him/ i can`t kill him because he`s a good dude and he helps people or the classical : i`m too emo to figure out which skill to use against him.
The funny thing about emos is when the die or get pkd by not-so-emo rational players, the emos actually whine about how hard it was for them to get to the place where he got pkd, or about the XP or rank lost.
What can i say ? What could anyone say ? If being and idiot is a way of life for some people so be it ... i can only wish them to live forever !
I just can`t add noobs, emos and good or pro player styles in the same post. Part 3 will soon be posted.
Here`s a nice video about noobs/emos and wannabe PROs:
Monday, March 3, 2008
A Gaming Life - part 2
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