Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Furious Dance

It all started with Scccwwwhhhhh ... round the corner, and not long ago i literally saw the skill, Athene emerged from pwning noobs to dancing contests, and out of all the clips i simply loved the latest :

And now, it seems that Scooter isn`t the only one dancing round the world :

Simply... Fantastic, too bad he got banned.

I never thought that there are so many gnomes in World of Warcraft, lol to the gnome power and bow to the Dorf power =))


Anonymous said...

a fost banat Athene????? URAAAAAAA!!!!! cu un retard mai putin pe luea asta!!!! exista dumnezeu pina la urma....

Anonymous said...

prost mai esti ala de sub mine
athene NU a fost banat .
El a facut cel mai rapid level de la 70 la 80 in cateva ore , chiar daca avea confirmare de la un Gm ca e OK
a luat delevel de la 79 la 80 , si doar atat , acum e lvl 80

Anonymous said...

sau de sus ..:D

Anonymous said...

ahh de la 79 la 70 sorry sunt beat :D